Monday Movie Meme - Something in the Air

The comedy “Baggage Claim” starring Paula Patton, Taye Diggs, Derek Luke and Adam Brody is the Opening Night Selection for the 17th Annual Urbanworld Film Festival that starts soon (and no, my movie is not playing there). It is about a flight attendant who uses her airline connections to go on a 30-day expedition, in search for Mr. Right before her younger sister’s wedding.
So, I thought it would be fun to center the theme for this week’s Monday Movie Meme on airline personnel – Something in the Air.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring airline employees who are caught up in a whole bunch of shenanigans. They could be involved in funny business of their own doing or just happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and find themselves in the middle of somebody else’s drama. This week’s theme is NOT about airplanes – it’s about the people who work for the companies that operate private and/or commercial aircraft carriers. They don't even have to be in-flight....they can be in the airport about to board or on the tarmac or runway or whatever.
Here are my selections for this week’s Something in the Air theme.
Passenger 57
The flight attendant who is taken hostage during a hijack attempt still managed to hold her ground as much as she could, being a useful sidekick to the hero of this action thriller, starring Wesley Snipes.
Catch Me If You Can
Having trouble finding employment? No problem, just weasel your way into a high-ranking position at an airline, like Frank Abagnale did in the bio-drama starring Tom Hanks and Leonardo DiCaprio.
Who needs flight training when you can just play “pilot” for a day and receive paychecks for a job that you were never even hired to do?! *You DO know I’m kidding, right?
I still have yet to see this drama starring Denzel Washington; a family member, however, suggested it because Washington plays an airline pilot in the movie.
From what I’ve gathered from the trailer, so far, it appears that he loses control of the airplane but manages to land it safely and then all hell breaks loose -- an investigation about the events leading up to the landing could possibly get him time in prison. I don’t know about you, but that’s enough shenanigans for me! I’m going to have to move “Flight” up near the top of my DVD rental queue!
What movies have YOU seen featuring airline employees caught up in a whole bunch of shenanigans?
Reader Comments (5)
Die Hard II
John McClane's wife is in an airplane forced to circle an airport because bad guys have hijacked the air traffic controls from the airport so they can spring a South American general from a prison plane.
Executive Decision
Terrorist group seizes control of an jumbo jet headed for Washington in order to spring their leader from capture. The second in command of the terrorists decides in addition that he's going to blow up a chemical weapon that is in the hold of the airplane once they reach Washington and kill a lot of people. Halle Berry plays a flight attendant who puts herself in danger to foil the terrorists' plan and Kurt Russell's character, who has just earned his pilot's license must land the jumbo jet when one of the bad guys caps the pilot and co-pilot.
You know, I didn't realize how many movies there are regarding planes. But I do recall watching Con Air where some really bad prisoners take over the plane. Nicholas Cage, I think, is in that movie. Then there's Harrison Ford's Air Force One where he plays the former-soldier-turned-president and saves the day when Air Force One is hijacked.
I love Air Force One. I thought of that, and also Flightplan. The best part of the movie? Sean Bean doesn't die! I never thought about how many flight movies there are. Interesting post.
I did enjoy Airforce One!
I did once watch a British TV show MILE HIGH following the, mostly naughty, shenanigans of hot stewardesses and hunky stewards :) I fell in love with Tom Wisdom in it, actually :)