Monday Movie Meme – Sunflowers for Tina #LifeisGood

“Turn your face toward the sun and the shadows will fall behind you.” - Maori Proverb
Today, the A-to-Z Team is hosting Sunflowers for Tina, a tribute of sunflowers posted in memory of our late Co-Host Tina Downey at Life is Good.
To honor her love of sunflowers, we are splashing the blogging community with photos of a sunflower that we’ve either purchased or planted to remember the woman who, in many ways, embodied the true meaning of what it means to be a great friend.
This week’s Monday Movie Meme is also centered on this tribute: Sunflowers for Tina. Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring scenes where someone offers flowers to another person.
My selections for this week’s theme are pretty slim as only a few come to mind such as the scene where Carrie smashed her bridal bouquet of roses and gardenia during a heated confrontation with Big in “Sex and the City: The Movie,” the scene where Marisa puts a bundle of lavender on Caroline’s bed in “Maid in Manhattan” and of course, the famous scene where a businessman brings roses to his, um, lady friend while professing his love for her in “Pretty Woman.” That’s all I have at the moment.
Today is the day that bloggers around the world are joining us as we brighten the internet with sunflowers the way Tina brightened the lives of so many people. You are welcome to participate by sharing this post on your social media channels or posting a photo of a sunflower on your blog or Instagram page with the hashtag #LifeisGood – right now!
What movies have YOU watched featuring people offering flowers to one another?
Besides flowers, what reminders in YOUR life convey the message that Life is Good?
Reader Comments (19)
Those are great movie scenes. I hope these sunflowers are making Tina smile up in Heaven.
Nice tribute. The flowers are beautiful.
Life is Good, we just need to remember something that made us laugh, cry or smile.daily.. I am trying to think of a film, I get the image of the flowers... not the film.
Love the tribute Nicole! I feel tearful going around visiting all the tribute posts today.
My Mom was the biggest proponent of the Life is Good theory. I am, too. Sometimes it takes effort, though, when we're hurting.
This was a lovely tribute to Tina!
Good post.
Bed of Roses - Christian Slater, Mary Stuart Masterson
That was a really wonderful video you made for Tina!
And I can't think of any movies with sunflowers. They must all be in Heaven with Tina.
What a wonderful tribute...
Life is good!
Shrek actually brings a sunflower to Fiona. Sorry, I didn't see the movies you mentioned, except for Pretty Woman.
And I love your picture! Tina was awesome.
Lovely sunflowers and tributes. As for the movies, I have seen all three that you mention, but wouldn't have thought of any of them for flowers. The very old movie Cactus Flower (one of my mum's favorites) comes to mind.
The video is really nice.
Thank you,
The whole blogosphere has been splashed with sunshine yellow today!
Beautiful video, Nicole:) The proverb is perfect and the memories of how she touched our lives, even more so:)
How lovely! Thank you for participating in Tina's tribute. <3
Nice job honoring Tina.
I've seen many films where someone gives someone else flowers, but for the life of me I can remember any of the titles right now.
what beautiful and big sunflowers ;) glad to meet you through Tina
Your tribute to Tina is wonderful! Michelle
Hi Nicole .. love the video and the clips with people's words ... Tina would be so chuffed ... she was so proud of her Swedish roots, the love of her boys and husband ... and all things bringing life to flourish and be happy .. she just was one amazing woman ... cheers Hilary
You found lovely flowers! Since you mentioned Pretty Woman, a scene in Two Guys and a Girl comes to mind in which Ryan Reynolds character is trying to pull off the Richard Gere flower fiasco at the end. Of course, it doesn't go as well for him as it did for Gere.