Monday Movie Meme: Dear Foodies, It’s Snack Week!

On Saturday June 13th, the movie-quoting crew at Foolish Waffles solidified themselves as the best of Philly’s food truck scene. In addition to winning the Vendy Awards’ (otherwise known as the street food Oscars) top prize, they were also voted as “People’s Choice” after nearly one thousand attendees sampled their pork belly Banh mi waffle and baby liege with strawberry rhubarb and mascarpone cream.
Did you know that moviegoers would unapologetically sneak menu items from Robin Admana and Flo Gardner’s waffle truck into a theater? Given the rubbery, microwaved soft pretzel bites I once grabbed at a theater’s concession stand, I understand Vendy attendees' preference for delicious (and fresh) food over pricey, processed junk being sold at cinemas. It’s also one of the topics being explored during SNACK WEEK, a series of posts I’m writing that delves into the various factors that affect what we eat when going to the multiplex.
Today kicks off this week's series with a Monday Movie Meme theme surrounding Foodies on the big screen. Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring theater concessions. This includes people eating food while at the movies, working at the concession stand or carrying snacks while being seated in a movie theater. After thinking about this topic over the last few days, here are the only two flicks I have come up with so far.
Poetic Justice
A hairstylist sends her convict boyfriend to the concessions counter at a Drive-In movie theater, to buy popcorn, “and some jujubes and some Bonbons,” before a fight breaks out in the parking lot, in this romantic drama starring Janet Jackson, Tupac Shakur and Regina King.
Scream 2
A man pranks his girlfriend in the theater lobby after she buys a tub of medium popcorn without butter, and a small diet Pepsi from the concessions stand, in this mystery horror film starring Jada Pinkett, Omar Epps, Neve Campbell, David Arquette and Jamie Kennedy.
What movies have YOU seen featuring people eating, carrying or buying snacks at a theater?
What are YOUR favorite munchies at the concession stand?
Reader Comments (5)
The movie Twister comes to mind, the scene where characters are at a Drive In and go to the concession stand before a tornado makes quick work of th jumbo movie screen.
I rarely go to movies and would never buy concession food. But here in upstate New York, food trucks are few and far between. Our city basically does not permit them. Too bad! Visiting from A to Z Road Trip.
I'm way behind on my movie outings. It's about these books and traveling to see family. That takes a lot of time. Just checking in to say hi before I leave again. June is flying and so am I. I'm still on the road trip with Mario the Muse. I may just popped him into the suitcase again and post on Instagram along the way.
Happy June.
I can't think of any movies that had people taking food in so you're list works. My absolutely favorite confession food is popcorn with caramel flavor seasoning on top
Excellent choice of yours for this week's movie concessions theme! Having watched TWISTER a few times, I remember that drive-thru scene but only recall the moments when the tornado hit. Good thing you remembered the other details of what went down before that happened :)
Yeah concessions aren't for everyone. Perhaps the dine-in style theaters that serve meals might be more up your alley?! :) If upstate NY doesn't permit food trucks, my guess is that locals are missing out on a lot of scrumptious meals. That is too bad, like you say. Thanks for visiting and participating in the Road Trip!
C. Lee McKenzie,
Same here...I'm behind on movie outings too and will remedy that in the next few days. Speaking of books I need to get caught up on a few TBR selections before the summer is out. I planned to finish maybe one book per week but now I'll be lucky if I can do 4-5 this season. Be safe in your travels; I like the idea of Mario the Muse popping up on Instagram (send me the link if/when you post him up and I'll "like" it (or whatever the equivalent is that they do over there. I forgot, lol). That's something that would probably get me to be more active on IG, lol. Thanks for checking in before hitting the road again and Happy June to you as well :)
Caramel flavor seasoning, you say?! What a yummy way to spice it up :) Coming up with my list was a challenge. Of all the movies released in the last decade and beyond, I can't believe it's been so difficult to recall any with scenes of people snacking on concessions at the movies. I was lucky to recall those on my this for this week's meme. It was a challenge, believe it. Thanks for visiting and commenting on this post!