Donna’s Movie Night – There’s Nothing Like Netflix!

Vinyl hijackers known as the Popcorn Snobs are catching up on their theme, ‘The Taking of April A-Z,’ as they run this blog for the next 13 (or so) days.
Hi everybody, my name is Donna and I’m here to set the record straight about what a perfect movie night looks like. You don’t need a big flat screen TV. You don’t need a huge DVD collection. You don’t need to buy decorations or turn your backyard into a drive-in theater. You don’t even need friends, no matter what Kesha says about it.
All you need is Netflix!
Well, that and maybe some delicious popcorn. This simple combo is exactly how I get to have an instantaneous movie night almost every day of the week, after a long day at work. Following a nice long bubble bath, Netflix is the way I wing down for the night. There’s nothing like it!
What films, snacks and/or activities played a part in the last movie night YOU had?
Donna is a popcorn snob that waits for no one when it comes to watching movies. She likes unlimited data plans, DVD box sets and good smelling soap.
Reader Comments (4)
J here, of the #atozchallenge Arlee Bird's A to Z Ambassador Team.
Have you enjoyed the challenge? Did you hop to other blogs? The end of the alphabet here! Reflections sign up is May 9-- mark a calendar.
My blog's giveaway is still going. I'm encouraging everyone to visit more stops.
Netflix is good! I like Red Vines, especially if binge watching Fringe!
Popcorn is a definite must. Whether it's at the theater or relaxing on the couch streaming Netflix, popcorn makes the movie watching experience just right.
I love Netflix! And popcorn with Cavendar's season salt on it! I've been watching American Odyssey on Netflix. And I'm doing the A-Z on classic TV shows from the 60s and 70s and found some Kolchak: The Night Stalker on Netflix and watched the first episode of the first season. That should be some fun viewing!
Michele at Angels Bark
J Lenni Dorner,
Yes I did hop to other blogs during the challenge and am April flew by in a flash! Would you believe it....I became more familiar with Red Vines this year while reading about the history of popcorn and American cinema. I prefer Twizzlers if having to choose between the two. I've only really ever watched the commercials and TV previews for Fringe but never really got into the show much but am glad to see Joshua Jackson working again. Thank you for your comment!
Popcorn being such a big part of the movie-viewing experience...I tend to feel obligated to grab some even though I usually prefer to skip it in lieu of sweets or nothing. Popcorn does seem to make everything right when it comes to movies and Netflix. Thanks for reading this post :)
Michele Truhlik,
Your A-Z theme on classic TV is one of the coolest I've come across this year. Netflix is a life-saver when fighting boredom and it's gotten me out of a tight spot for previous A-Z challenges too! I haven't watched American Odyssey or Kolchak: The Night Stalker but I'd probably be more likely to check out the former long before I consider watching the latter. Haha. Thank you for joining this discussion about Netflix and movie nights! :)