Actors I'd Like to Fuck (A.I.L.F)

'A' is for "Actor"
As a new participant in the blogging from A to Z April challenge, I'm taking this opportunity to relaunch the King Dong series. Therefore, this post serves as the relaunch as it also relates to the blogging challenge, allowing me to complete both tasks at once. Here is a list of A.I.L.F (you get the picture) based on the roles that they play in film and/or television.
Side note: Since the entertainment industry (especially movies) is fictional, take this post with a grain of salt and just appreciate it as mere fantasy in the name of good ol' fun and nothing more......I mean, this is April Fool's Day, after all!
So here we go:
1. Eric Dane – Ah yes, Mr. McSteamy of “Grey's Anatomy” is oftentimes much more appealing than Derek Shepard (played by Patrick Dempsey) and while this TV character is a little too friendly with the ladies, I've noticed some photos of Dane on the red's like he looks just as good as he does on television. This particular Dane could check my temperature any time of the day, which is something that I probably would not even consider back when he was doing “Charmed.”
2. Lance Gross – The too-much-sexy-for-his-own-good Gross is the only reason that I have considered watching the nonsense that is “House of Payne” until I remember that there are other forms of media (take your pick of Web, Magazines, Advertisements, etc.) where I can get my fantasy fix without having to endure a Tyler Perry production that you could not pay me to watch on an ongoing basis.
I'm so glad that Gross did “Our Family Wedding” because if he starts doing more movies and television shows (hell, I'll even be willing to sit through a Soap Opera program to get a glimpse of this fine actor than watch “House of Payne”) the hopefully he can escape the madness that is the strong of Tyler Perry minstrel shows.
3. Vincent D'Onofrio – Okay, I'm cheating because he already won King Dong back in '08 but that doesn't mean that Vincent D'Onofrio couldn't still get it. In fact, he's the only reason that I considered going to the movie theater to check out “Kill the Irishman,” released within the last few weeks. The storyline is alright but I passed on wanting to go watch this movie until I read his name on the movie poster and then watched him in the movie trailer.
Runner Up: I'll also throw in my Film Festival buddy's pick of Ryan Gosling since I liked his performance in "Blue Valentine." I don't know if I'd bed him but she would so it's worth a mention in my book.
Since this is real life, I'd never actually bed these guys or even have the chance to (isn't Lance Gross the only single one on here anyway?) but hey a girl can daydream!
Which one of these actors would YOU like to F***?
Do you have any actors to add to this list to place in the running for King Dong of April 2011?
Instead of pre-selecting this month's King Dong, I'm going to choose him based on who has the most favorable votes among the actors listed here, based on the comments on this post. That particular actor will be crowned King of April and subsequent posts on every weekend for the rest of the month will be dedicated to him. If you are a male reading this, you may not be interested in this particular post and I invite you to either share it with a female who may be interested in leaving a comment on her top picks OR you are welcome to return in the next few days to read an all-new interview that I did with movie director, Steve Balderson.
Technorati Tags: a+to+z+blogging+challenge, a+to+z+april+challenge, a+to+z+writing+challenge, king+dong, blogging+challenge, blogging, writing+challenge, lance+gross, ryan+gosling, eric+dane, vincent+dionofrio