Movie Review Coming Soon!

Directed by by Frank Sputh, Bin Martha, Kolumbianerin (I'm Martha, Colombian) is a slowcumentary, the nearly three-hour portrait of a young Afro-Colombian woman, a slow, closely observing documentary.

Watch 'Slapped Straight'

Now available to rent for 48 hours.

Give the Gift of World Cinema! Order The Madlab Post eGift Cards

Expressway Cinema Rentals is Philadelphia's leading photo & video rental resource for the creative community.

Visual Jedi LLC | Specializing in Video Production from concept to creation. Storyboard, audio mixing, editing, graphics design and more!

Pour something different! Premium specialty loose leaf teas sourced in Africa. Sibahle - We Are Beautiful!

The Ultimate Vegan Experience! We are Vegan Soul. Celebrate a new way of life with healthier food.

Fine Art Reproductions - Limited Edition Giclees on Canvas and Limited Edition Prints by World-Renowned Visual Artist and Designer, Synthia SAINT JAMES


Read my A to Z Reflections:

The Madlab Post is Home to the weekly Monday Movie Meme: Signup!

Are you ready for the best blog hop on the net? #atozchallenge

*All 31 "Prompts" might not be featured on this blog; I have my own schedule and topics to adhere to.

Your ad could be here, right now.


Come SUPPORT the makers and SHOP for the holidays at MADE@BOK Small Biz Saturday Market where you can get a head start on The Madlab Post’s Shop Small Treasure Hunt with movie tickets, videogames and more! This is a market featuring crafts from artists, designers, makers and small businesses that create within the walls of the historic Bok building. Free entry!

Perspectives directed by Neer Shelter has qualfied for the 2024 Academy Awards


#Oscars #Shortlist

FYC: Academy qualified short film 'Perspectives' directed by Neer Shelter | Oscars Shortlist



📣 MADE @ BOK SPRING MARKET IS HERE 📣 Our first Market of 2022! On Sunday, May 1st from 11-4pm, come grab a gift for mom, a treat for your loves or something to brighten up your life in the way only springtime can like clothing, jewelry, ceramic and vintage wares, a brownie or two (or five), and more! 🤗 We'll be setting up in the gym as well as all the shops in retail row through the (new and improved!) Dudley St door.

See you then! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍

Rent Abyss: The Greated Proposal Ever, a short film made with a diverse cast & crew working together to tell a story about Love, Friendship and PTSD! This urban military homecoming drama is a candid glimpse into the troubles surrounding a U.S. Army Sergeant who gets stranded by SEPTA in the inner city when a wild marriage proposal shakes up his plans to reunite with the only family he knows. 

The 2019 Short Film Slam Round V Championships is showing at Motor House in Baltimore, MD. Visit the Shop for Advance Tickets to our awards showcase!




RESERVE YOUR SEAT for February - March 2019!


The Madlab Post showed all of the 2019 OSCAR Nominees for Best Short Film in the Animation, Live Action and Documentary categories earlier this year. Missed the show? Get on our mailing list!


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Entries in April 2013 (1)


From ‘Argo’ to ‘Zodiac’ and everything in Between #atozchallenge

Today, 13 men and women (including myself) released an opportunity for those of you who are bloggers, to build your readership and find new blogs to follow. Signups for the Blogging from A to Z Challenge – April 2013 are now open at a blog near you!

Arlee Bird at Tossing it Out created this challenge in 2010, to celebrate a milestone for his blog.

Now in its fourth year, the list of A to Z Challenge participants continues to grow – over 1,700 bloggers participated last year. The rules are simple: On April 1st, post about something that starts with the letter A. On April 2nd, post about something that begins with Letter B, and so on. You get Sundays off.

The A to Z Challenge is rated G for General Audiences including bloggers, so you can participate no matter what blogging style you have; Everyone is welcome.* Some participants freestyle their posts, going with a random topic for each letter. Other folks go with a theme to tie all their blog posts together. Do whatever (spontaneous or thematic) fits your style.

Your ticket to this alphabetical blogging extravaganza is just a linky list away. Sign up on the list below, grab a badge from my A to Z page in the navigation menu above, check out my fellow co-hosts and get ready to flex your blogging muscles. April will be here faster than you can yell “Action!”

Don’t freak out about having to visit everyone during the challenge. All we ask is that you visit five (5) new blogs a day, starting with the one after yours on the list. At that rate, you’ll have met at least 150 new bloggers by the end of the month. Check the Blogging from A to Z Challenge – April 2013 website for more information, answers to your questions, tips and tricks on participating, introductions to your co-hosts and related goodies to get you ready for the blogathon in April!

This year, we added a new feature for the signup process: Categories! You can pick ONE of our 22 categories for your blog when signing up. It is a completely Optional feature, so it is not required for you to do so. Choose one or choose none. It's all up to you. If you do decide to pick a category, adding the category code after your name/blog name while signing up on the linky list:

e.g. Damyanti Biswas - Amlokiblogs (WR)


1. WRITING :                          (WR)

2. BOOKS:                              (BO)

3. FILM :                                  (FM)

4. PHOTOGRAPHY:               (PH)

5. GARDENING:                     (GR)

6. CRAFT:                               (CR)

7. ART:                                    (AR)

8. MUSIC:                               (MU)

9. CULINARY:                         (CU)

10. LIFESTYLE:                      (LI )  

11. FASHION:                          (FA)

12. PERSONAL:                      (PR)

13. SOCIAL MEDIA:                (SO)

14. GAMING:                           (GA)

15. EDUCATION :                    (ED)

16. POLITICS:                          (PO)

17. HISTORY:                           (HI)

18. SCIENCE:                          (SC)

19. HUMOR:                             (HU)

20. TRAVEL:                             (TR)

21. MISCELLANEOUS:            (MI)

22. ADULT CONTENT:             (AC)

Now, let’s cut to the scene where you Sign Up Here

Please sign up carefully using your correct blog address that leads to your home page and not to a specific post.

*If your blog contains adult content, you need to post a warning that indicates it as such. Thanks for your understanding.

**PLEASE READ Sign-Up Intstructions carefully first, before signing up for the challenge! -- especially where categories are concerned. Categories cannot be added once you signup and Categories cannot be changed either.