Kanye West's Mother died....doctor is to blame?

Music rapper and producer Kanye West has been on the minds of many fans after the recent and sudden death of his mother, Donda West. Now, it seems that her doctor is at fault.
The media has been reporting on the death of Donda West and why she died. It was confirmed that it was due to multiple cosmetic surgical procedures that were a serious risk to her health. Of course, good doctors would not even perform risky surgery if they could potentially be fatal. However, people who are just after money and their own celebrity status are another story. It appears that the doctor who performed the surgery on Kanye West's mother has malpractice suits against him and is under investigation by the state medical board in California. This was all in motion even before the procedure that killed Donda West.
One important question is why wasn't there a second opinion about choosing this particular doctor? Maybe the answer lies in the fact that he has his own TV show and has also appeared on popular entertainment TV shows. This is not a doctor who is concerned about the health of his patients. This is a doctor who wants to be as rich and famous as the people he performs cosmetic surgery on. Donda West suffered as a result of this self-centered behavior. If you are going to to any major medical procedures, the health status of your patient should be considered first and foremost. The doctor, (Dr. Jan Adams to be exact) was probably considering how many
cars he could choose from using the payment from this deadly incident.
News reports indicate that Donda West died from surgical complications. However, the official cause of death does not appear to have bene released yet. Dr. Jan Adams claims that Kanye West's mother did not die from the surgery, but could have died from a heart attack or other occurrences. If he is so certain what could have caused her death, wouldn't he want to check first, before performing something that could cause this incident? Initially, after learning that another doctor would not perform these multiple procedures and warned Donda West about her health, I thought that maybe she wanted a second opinion and the doctor who gave her that did not do her any good.
However, in the end, every adult makes the decision about what to do with their own bodies when it comes to cosmetic surgery. If you know that you could have major health problems from getting certain procedures done and you do it anyway, you are putting yourself in a dangerous situation.
Who do think is at fault for this incident?
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Reference: Comcast