Monday Movie Meme - Road Trips on Screen #atozchallenge

The theme for this week’s Monday Movie Meme is inspired by the Post A to Z Road Trip that will kick off on Wednesday, May 8th. For the first time ever, I am Co-hosting this year-long activity with veteran A-to-Z hosts, Tina at Life is Good and Shannon at Warrior Muse, as bloggers join us in visiting the entire list of 2013 A to Z Challenge participants.
So, in honor of our continuing blogathon mania, let’s hit the road with a Monday Movie Meme theme that – like our road trip -- has a pretty flexible speed limit: Are We There Yet?
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring people who are involved in some type of road trip. The plot of the film itself doesn’t necessarily have to be about a road trip, but there has to be a point in the story where somebody hits the road. Here are my selections for this week’s “Are We There Yet?” theme.
The Puffy Chair
All hell breaks loose when two brothers embark on a road trip to finalize the birthday gift -- that they bought off of eBay – for their dad.
The Open Road
A son takes a road trip with his estranged father, to appease his ill and hospitalized mother. During their sqabbles, a girlfriend gets caught in the middle of some stubborn family dynamics. Justin Timberlake stars in this movie, opposite Ted Danson; and although it makes the list for this week’s meme, I would not want to watch the film again. It's just plain wack.
Get on the Bus
Cultural and political views clash during a bus trip to Washington for the Million Man March in this historical drama starring Charles Dutton, Ossie Davis and Andre Braugher.
What movies have YOU watched that involve someone going on a road trip?
Reader Comments (2)
Driving Miss Daisy! That's such a classic. And "RV," starring Robin Williams, is a hilarious family movie. :) Both are great!
I'm going to have to look up that "RV" one you mentioned, 'cause I'm not sure if I've ever heard of that movie but I do believe you when you say it's hilarious....anything with Robin Williams in it has to be funny! You'd probably be surprised at how many classic movies I still haven't seen...including "Driving Miss Daisy." Morgan Freeman is in that movie, right? For some reason that I haven't seemed to figure out, I just never got around to checking that one thanks for mentioning these two flicks and for playing along during this week's Monday Movie Meme! :)