Monday Movie Meme - Raising Capital

Chris Ponder and his Mother Cindy are served a hot meal by Red Cross emergency response vehicle (ERV) volunteer Erica Tenpenny after a tornado that ripped through areas of Arkansas in the Spring 2014. Before paying tribute to servicemen of the U.S. Military who died in the line of duty, we covered fire damage to inanimate objects, highlighting one of many disasters that The American Red Cross responds to everyday.
Going forward, I invite you all to join me in raising awareness for this organization, as I take some time this year to host a fundraiser for the services they provide to survivors of disasters, big and small.
Long story short, one of the folks who worked on my film “ABYSS: The Greatest Proposal Ever” lost a home to a disaster while we were making the movie – not long after Hurricane Sandy had already caused a delay in the completion of this project.
Since Red Cross was there for one of my staff/crew members, I find it fitting to use this movie to support the Red Cross, in an effort to help them help other people who suffer losses or damages in the wake of a natural, environmental or man-made disaster. It is my pleasure to present to you the theme for this week’s Monday Movie Meme as also being the first installment of the themed weeks that we discussed back in the Spring: Raising Capital: Raising Capital.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring people doing some sort of fundraising activity for a particular cause or to solve a problem. Here are my selections for this week’s Raising Capital theme.
My Tehran for Sale
An underground theatre actress sells all of her belongings in order to get money to pay for being smuggled into Australia, where she seeks to find better opportunities for artistic freedom and a healthier life, in this Australian-Iranian drama starring Marzieh Vafamehr and Amir Chegini.
The Full Monty
A group of blue collar workers form an all-male revue show after being laid off from their job, in this British comedy-drama starring Tom Wilkinson.
A housewife sells her cheating husband’s belongings in a yard sale, right on their front lawn, in this romantic comedy-drama starring Angela Bassett, Loretta Devine and Whitney Houston.
*Side note: Yeah, it seems that I’ve been getting a lot of “Monday Movie Meme” mileage out of this particular movie lately. Oh well. If it works, it works, right?! Ha!
What movies have YOU seen featuring people who participate in some type of fundraising activity?
**Photo (above at top) by Jason Colston/American Red Cross
Reader Comments (4)
Good to raise awareness for worthy organizations.
About movies that have to do with raising money, I can't think of any specific titles but back in the 30's, 40's and early 50's there was a common theme in mostly musicals of people putting on a show to raise money for something. It was usually an excuse to display the talents of a number of singers, dancers, and other artists. I've seen several films that start out with "Let's put on a show!"
Tossing It Out
I want to grab my own head and shake it silly lol!
I can visualize multiple montage scenes in my head of some much older movies I've watched where they're doing a fundraiser to save a neighborhood relic or to help some person but the titles aren't coming to mind.
What an important cause Nicole. I'll bet they could raise a lot of capital with The Full Monty and a bunch of firemen.
If as many musicals in those early days were put on for the sole purpose of raising money like it sounds in your comment, one can't help but wonder if that was the only way to convince people to watch and/or attend live shows...or what the motivation behind putting on a show would have been like if that quest to raise money wasn't there. Although I'm no huge fan of musicals, I can only hope that at least some of them were put on as art for art's sake. Thanks for commenting :)
Oh's understandable how it drives us up the wall when we have a visual of a movie or song in our heads or the name of something on the tip of our tongues but just can't get it out for the life of us. It's pure madness...but if it helps any, reading your comment about saving a neighborhood relic made me think of the movie "Barbershop" and "The Fighting Temptations" for some odd reason :)
Thank you ever so kindly and you're oh sooo on to something about that capital; I agree that firemen plus The Full Monty would be a lucrative combination for meeting fundraising efforts!