Tony Almeida back on 24 Season 7, postponed AGAIN?

The character Tony Almeida will be returning to the 24 TV show in season 7. He was thought to be dead, so this is an interesting decision for 24 producers to bring him back. According to BuddyTV, Tony Almeida’s return will be a surprise to Jack Bauer. CTU is dismantled and the show will be now focused on Washington D.C. where Jack Bauer is in serious trouble with authorities for his previous actions. What a foul way to say “thank you”.
As a fan of 24 and Jack Bauer I must say that this guy cannot catch a break. Sure, he does not always follow the rules, but his intentions are always sincere and focused on bringing down criminals and keeping the country safe. He is one loyal agent and although he may have put lives at risk with many of his actions throughout the 24 series, Jack Bauer has also put his own life on the line to protect other people. He has not only risked his own life, but did it without hesitation for the sole purpose of doing his job. He should not be put on trial, he should be rewarded. Oh well, I guess we will see what happens in January, or whenever season 7 of 24 is supposed to premiere.
Speaking of season 7, it has been reported that production of 24 will shut down for a few weeks. The reasoning behind this decision is that the writers of the TV show need time to “reshape the upcoming season’s creative direction” according to /Film. Did the writers not have enough time to figure out their creative direction woes during the WGA strike? Since 24 was postponed already for an entire year and fans of this TV show have already waited long enough, this is ridiculous. The WGA strike is over and it seems that many of the TV writers are happy to be back to work.
Now, they are whining about not being able to get the direction of a show to work. It is purse nonsense and could have a bad impact on the show’s ratings…..whenever it actually airs on TV. In a time where people are checking email on their cell phones while listening to music and waiting in line for concert tickets……there is no room for popular TV shows to take any longer breaks than they already have. As good as 24 is, this show could loose a lot of fans to other established TV shows and also new TV shows that are on air and would be the fault of the 24 producers and writers.
Here is Carlos Bernard (who plays Tony Almeida) and Kiefer Sutherland (The Great Jack Bauer) discussing 24 season 7 at Comic-Con 2008:
and here is Kiefer Sutherland answering a popular question that many 24 fans ask themselves....."When does Jack Bauer take a pee?".
Are you looking forward to the 7th season of 24? What is your opinion on the return of Tony Almeida? Leave your comments below!
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