Vincent D'Onofrio plays Gangster in Staten Island Movie

This month’s King Dong, Vincent D'Onofrio is starring in the upcoming film Staten Island with Ethan Hawke. The description for this movie seems a bit vague, as it is basically about the lives of three New York residents that intercept somehow. Of course, the characters played by Vincent D'Onofrio and Ethank Hwke are Staten Island residents.
These characters are working everyday jobs and trying to get along in life. Vincent D'Onofrio plays Parmie, a small time mob boss. It appears that there are many movies coming out of New York within the next few years. It wasn’t too long ago that I reported on Brooklyn’s Finest with Richard Gere and some other Hollywood heavyweights.
Ethan Hawke described Staten Island as one of those weird and insane movies that excites him. The Staten Island movie is supposed to be released in November.
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Reader Comments (5)
Can't wait to see this movie - I've heard so much about it
Thanks so much for commenting. I have only become familiar with Staten Island recently, but it seems interesting. Vincent D'Onofrio is a great actor, so his performance in the movie will probably be just as great.
lol...he looks so goofy in those glasses. Still hot tho ;)
Does anyone know what kind or brand of glasses those are? I need them!
I finally got to see this movie. WOW, how craptastic was this? I mean, really, honestly, absolutely, truly. It was just plain bad. There wasn't a single redeeming quality in this movie. Whoever wrote above that Staten Island is an interesting place, really? Have you BEEN there? it's really where hope died and then was buried, dug back up, and then shot in the head to work in McDonald's. It's just really that horrible a place to live. That they made a movie about the place makes me wonder if they got a discount on snacks (aka, morphine) to film there.