A Q&A on Fear from Ricki Lake #nablopomo #blogher

Join me in answering today’s NaBloPoMo Prompt:
I was terrified to go on DWTS (that’s “Dancing with the Stars,” for those who don’t watch reality TV), but facing my fear and overcoming it has been an incredible experience. Have you faced fears and overcome them?
(Guest Post by Ricki Lake)
Yes, I have faced several fears and overcame most of them while still working on the others. I was afraid of continuing my art education after abandoning the practice for so many years and after overcoming that particular fear, I’ve been reminded of how truly liberating visual arts can be for the mind and spirit. I also used to be afraid of cats...until I got one. Boy, did I overcome that one really quick!
What fears have YOU overcome?
Technorati Tags: nablopomo+blogher, ricki+lake, dancing+with+the+stars, DWTS, blogher+2011, nablopomo+2011, nablopomo+november+2011, nablopomo+november, q+and+a
Reader Comments (1)
Oh goodness, cute kittie! New??
I'd have to say that writing a blog forced me to face some fears. I always loved writing but was too afraid to pursue it because it can be such an intimate thing, knowing that everything you put down "on paper" came from somewhere within your own mind. It's given me the confidence to pursue writing as a career option, and also the confidence to be ok when I am not crazy about something I wrote!