Vacation Movies You Wouldn’t Want to Star In #nablopomo #blogher #

Happy Monday and a week-long holiday off of work for Dale at Smurfin’ the Web! Today is all about vacations, as Dale puts the spotlight on movies that feature one. Here are my selections, based on the fact that vacations don’t always turn out as planned -- something that the woman who was trapped in an Airport for eight days may know all too well.
Funny Games
(the original, 1997 version)
Two crazy dudes ruin the vacation of a wealthy businessman and his family by invading their cabin and torturing them, as entertainment. If this is what people have to go through to spend sometime away at the lake, then maybe a staycation closer to home is on order!
Although he meant well, Bill Murray’s character surely doesn’t understand the meaning of boundaries. Stalking a doctor while he’s out of town, vacationing with his family got Bob some free room and board, dinner, a diving buddy and a television appearance. The same antics he pulled in this movie would get us regular folk booked on harassment charges, and a restraining order, at best.
Couples Retreat
Basking in the luxuries of a resort on a tropical island seems like bliss for the average person, right? Well, it isn’t so fun if the available activities at this resort are mandatory for guests to participate in. Thismay be the host’s way to bring people together but it can cause some unexpected conflicts between couples who didn’t seem to have any problems whatsoever, until they stepped foot on this island for vacation.
What are YOUR vacation horror stories?
Technorati Tags: monday+movie+meme, movie+meme, vacation+movies, movies+about+vacations, movies+featuring+vacations, smurfin+the+web, nablopomo, nablopomo+blogher, blogher+nablopomo, nablopomo+november, nablopomo+2011, nablopomo+november+2011, couples+retreat+vacation, what+about+bob+vacation, funny+games+vacation, 2011+nablopomo+november
Reader Comments (2)
Havent seen Couples Retreat, Others are good choices though =)
What About Bob? is a modern classic! Man, I'm breaking out in smiles just thinking about this movie :-)