Worldly Wednesday Movies You Haven’t Watched

‘W’ is for Wednesday and what a coincidence that this A to Z Challenge letter falls on this day of the week. Since traveling was on my mind earlier, I decided to share two movies about Wednesday that I found from filmmakers around the world. One is a short film and the other one is a feature film that I did not know about and I‘d be surprised if anyone else in the blogosphere who resides in U.S. has watched either of these movies. Now is a chance to plan for an entertaining weekend with film treats from overseas.
British director Rob Sorrenti takes the “boy meets girl” storyline to another level in this movie. The story is about a girl and boy who were born on the same day, in the same hospital and they meet years later in the same place when their paths cross. The movie runs for 24 minutes and won “Best Short Film” at the 2007 Fort Lauderdale Film Festival.
(actually, 'Wednesday' is the English translation for the movie’s original title, “Sreda”)
Victor Kossakovsky is a Russian filmmaker who made this 1995 documentary that chronicles his mission to locate 100 people including men and women who were born on his birthday, Wednesday, July 19, 1961 in Leningrad, a place that is now known as St. Petersburg. This documentary shows his results of trying to interview those that he found. It appears to have won an award at the 1997 Berlin International Film Festival.
These movies were also selected for this list because they have all screened and won awards at film festivals, making them great additions to my Film Festival Wednesdays series. Enjoy!
Technorati Tags: a+to+z+challenge, wednesday+movie, wednesday+movies, wednesday+film, wednesday+films, film+festival+wednesdays, worldly+movies, worldly+wednesday+movies, worldly+wednesdays, a+to+z+blogging+challenge, a+to+z+blog+challenge, a+to+z+blogging, sreda+movie
Reader Comments (2)
I would like to see both of these. I always like to find something new and interesting to watch. Thanks!
Many thanks for the kind mention of Rob Sorrenti's film Wednesday. The BBC link is no longer active, but there's a fantastic website for the film, with backstory, outtakes, and video diaries from the film.
Watch Wednesday here: