Leonardo DiCaprio's Drama Shortage #NaBloPoMo

It is shaping up to be a Leonardo DiCaprio filled summer this year since June just ended earlier this week without a farewell post (I’ve been busy these last few weeks, so bear with me guys and gals) to close out the “Catch Me If You Can” actor’s spot on the King Dong throne.
Add to that no post for new candidates to take DiCaprio’s place on this blog (I’m now sick...have been for these last few days and getting worse, not better, so I’m a bit behind on writing posts in advance at the moment) and it would be sad to just say goodbye to him without a proper wrap-up.
This is why I am extending the reign of Leonardo DiCaprio as King Dong of the Madlab Post. He will continue to be the subject of weekly posts throughout the month of July 2011.
Last month, I started watching a few of his movies that I never saw before and noticed that as he became older and joined the group of A-list celebrity actors, Leonardo DiCaprio has not been in many drama films....or at least it seems that way. Action, check! Comedy (sorta...for some reason, “Marvin’s Room” is listed as a comedy on different retail and non-retail sites online), check! Suspense/Mystery, check! Drama? Queue the crickets!
No Drama for Leo, huh? In that case, it better this way? Would YOU like to see Leonardo DiCaprio choose more roles for movies in the drama catetgory?
Technorati Tags: leonardo+dicaprio, leonardo+dicaprio+drama, leonardo+dicaprio+drama+movies, leonardo+dicaprio+movies, king+dong, nablopomo, national+blog+posting+month, nablopomo+2011, nablopomo+july, nablopomo+july+2011, nablopomo+swim, blogher, blogher+nablopomo
Reader Comments (2)
Hi Nicole, Aww, hope you feel better soon! I've been a bad blogger too lately - I've been getting my posts up but terrible about getting around to visit.
Hmm, yes, I think more drama would be nice. Is Revolutionary Road considered a drama?
Thanks. You're a great blogger! Yes, I believe Revolutionary Road is considered a drama. It is on my list of movies to watch, as I missed it when it was in theaters, which is a bummer.....I love Kate Winslet and also, she and Leo work well together.