The Battle Continues with Fight Scenes #NaBloPoMo

Happy 4th of July to all who read this!
It appears that a theme for this week’s Monday Movie Meme has not been chosen. Maybe there is a holiday break for participants to take this week off or maybe one will be chosen tomorrow. Either way, here are some battle scenes that.....while not epic in nature, still have the ability to keep their audience’s attention.
They feature one-on-one combat that is intense because either someone was offended and wants to put his opponent in his place and because another feels betrayed and seeks some form of gratitude or reciprocity for helping a friend/brother in the past.
The scene where Bruce Willis’ character Frank Moses gives William Cooper (played by Karl Urban) a butt kicking reminds younger generations to never underestimate the strength, power and skills of older people.....especially if they are retired CIA agents.
The Town
First, let’s get something out of the way.....mad kudos to Ben Affleck for his work in (starring) and on (directing and co-writing) this movie! After watching “The Town,” I like Affleck even more as an actor. The scene where his Doug MacRay character has it out on the sidewalk near the projects with Jeremy Renner’s James Coughlin character is memorable because it goes beyond the physical element of the battle. Their fight is personal, filled with emotion that affects the relationship between these two characters as well as their positions throughout the rest of the film.
The main character is at a crossroads in his life and this battle could be interpreted to reflect more than a disagreement with his longtime partner in crime. The battle may represent an exterior display of MacRay’s internal conflict as he tries to change his life for the better while also figuring out how to remain loyal to his family and crew.....all while ducking the police.
How would YOU rate the one-on-one battle scenes in "The Town" and "Red"?
Technorati Tags: nablopomo, monday+movie+meme, fight+scenes+in+movies, movie+fight+scenes, battle+scenes, movie+battle+scenes, battle+scenes+in+movies, ben+affleck+movies, ben+affleck+the+town, the+town+movie, jeremy+renner+the+town, red+movie, red+bruce+willis, red+movie+bruce+willis
Reader Comments (1)
I've been meaning to pick up "The Town". I heard that it's a brilliant movie with a lousy title. I think I'll buy a copy whenever True Grit goes on sale.
I'm glad that someone else thought highly of RED. Karin and I have so far seen it twice since picking up the blu-ray. Malkovitch had me in stitches the entire time. "Get the pig!"