Monday Movie Meme – Awkward Threesomes

The theme for this week's Monday Movie Meme is all about mixing and mingling in close counters: Awkward Threesomes. Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring one main character who is dating...or previously dated...two or more other characters in the story who share the same circle of friends, family or colleagues.
Although there may be cases of infidelity depending on the film chosen, this week’s theme is NOT about movies that contain cheating. Instead, it is about people who date individuals within the same social circle and may create some sort of unease – possibly due to unresolved feelings between one, both or all parties involved. Here are my selections for this week's Awkward Threesomes theme.
Two Army pilots who’ve been best friends since childhood become at odds with each other when a nurse in the Navy develops a relationship with both of them, in this war drama starring Ben Affleck, Kate Beckinsale and Josh Hartnett.
A royal marriage is wrought with turmoil after the Duchess of Devonshire’s best friend Bess has an affair with her husband after moving into their home, in this historical drama starring Keira Knightley, William Cavendish, Hayley Atwell and Dominic Cooper.
The Duke allows Bess to continue their living arrangements, despite the Duchess’ wishes.
An office intern dumps her lover and then hooks up with his best friend – who also happens to be employed by the same company, in this romantic comedy starring Greta Gerwig, Andrew Bujalski and Kent Osbourne. Talk about having a hostile work environment!
Egos are hurt, insecurities surface and competition grows when a group of neighbors start swapping their spouses with each other at dinner parties, in this suburban drama starring Susan Traylor, Kevin Scott Richardson, Michael Maize and Starina Johnson.
What movies featuring awkward threesomes would YOU add to this list?
Reader Comments (3)
You could also call this the "Third Wheel" Nicole. I've seen none of these excellent movies, but I'd add Ghostbusters and MiB2 (with the dog).
I love the Love Triangle dynamic. I have written three books with LT's and my current WIP had no hint of a love triangle in the outline and 50,000 words in, one popped up. I don't know how that happened.
Some of my favorite Movies with LT's:
Dangerous Liaisons
Cruel Intentions
Anna Karenina
Savage - my absolute favorite
The "Third Wheel" totally works! Maybe I'll look to you when trying to figure out a title for a future Monday Movie Meme theme :)
Two of the films on my list are indies and one is probably categorized as a chick flick in some circles, so those three get a pass, lol. I'm surprised that you haven't seen "Peal Harbor," though, because it was one of those big films that people talked about (they either loved it or hated it). I'm not one for period pieces that contain more drama than action but I'm often a sucker for Keira Knightley flicks, so I had to check "The Duchess."
Once you had the story down, it looks like it took on a life of its own, or rather, the characters took on a life of their own....leading you to that three-person tango! Love triangles tend to get complicated, making for some interesting material to play around with because there are so many directions that you can take the characters in. I think I heard of "Dangerous Liasons" before but haven't watched it. To this day, I don't understand who in their right mind would greenlight a sequel for "Cruel Intentions." That is just a plain no-no. That's one of those movies that shouldn't be messed with. Oh yes, I have such fond memories of those Ryan Phillippe days! Thanks for playing this week's meme :)