Sunday Synopsis – The ‘ABYSS’ Title Reveal and Monday Movie Meme Update

A few weeks ago, I watched an interview where one guy mentioned how independent films have some of the worse titles. He went on to describe the importance of filmmakers choosing a title that helps audiences get a bit more of an idea on what the movie is about. Not only did I agree with him, it didn’t take long for me to realize that this applies to my current project “ABYSS.”
The title of this short film was about as obscure as one could get. So, I’ve decided to modify the name of the movie little, adding an extension that will hopefully solve the problem of indie films alienating audiences who are wondering “what the heck is this about?” when looking at titles of flicks that were made outside of the Hollywood machine.
Hopefully, the new movie title is less non-descriptive as the former one. Also, the Monday Movie Meme will likely continue to be posted later in the day on Mondays until further notice. Since the theme remains good for one week, I hope that this doesn’t throw anyone off too much or is an inconvenience.
Lately, my schedule and week-to-week offline life has taken up the bulk of my time and energies, what with me writing my first piece for a print publication, prepping for the release of a movie, planning a charitable initiative to help the working homeless, and celebrating special occasions and all. I do not intend for this to be a regular occurrence and will be aiming to publish the Monday Movie Meme themes earlier when able from week to week. Until then, thanks to all of you who read The Madlab Post, all of you who participate in the Monday Movie Meme and all of you who keep up with my movie making journey. Here’s to a bright and joyous December!
How was YOUR Thanksgiving holiday?
Did YOU cook for the holiday or did someone else man the kitchen?
Reader Comments (5)
Great decision, great post. Keep me posted! Later hun.
Here's hoping that December treats you kindly! Sounds like you're burning the candle at both ends. Hope you take some time out for yourself just to unwind, relax, read a good book, and maybe watch a good movie or three!
Great extension to the title.
Thanksgiving was great. We had a sort of potluck style theme so different folks manned the kitchen, including myself. I can whip up a mean side dish :-)
That's a great title change Nicole. Frankly I always thought of the James Cameron film when I saw it.
Hey miss! It's good to know you're on board with the decision. I will be keeping you posted with with some some news for you coming soon :)
Thank you sir! What does it mean to burn the candle at both ends? Is that like, taking on a lot or biting off more than one can chew? I've heard the candle expression a few times over the years but for the life of me, still haven't managed to figure out what it meant. Either way, my unwinding time comes when I get ready for bed and then my relaxation time comes when I'm asleep...I think that's all I can afford when being in a position where I have to do everything on my own...with little or no help. It's a good learning experience, if anything else, after all is said and done. I do take time to continue reading, even if I have to multitask :)
I have a few pages left to finish in the latest book I'm reading, before I start on the last one I'll probably check out before this year's end....and I still will have read no where near as many as you in 2013. Probably because I'm on 100% paperback while you're knocking them down through a mix of paper and digital prints. I plan to go see at least two movies when my birthday rolls around. I really want to see the Hunger Games sequel and with Spike Lee's Oldboy remake out now among other anticipated flicks, there are some good options to choose from indeed.
Thank you; I'm glad your family had a great Thanksgiving and I'm also happy that you like my movie title. Potluck Thanksgivings are the best and I think more families could benefit from that type of style because it gives everyone more time to spend enjoying each other's company without one or two people getting bogged down with all of the work.
I have overheard conversations in passing and on one of the morning news shows about some families choosing to skip the cooking portion altogether and go to a restaurant or banquet hall instead. I'm not all the way sold on the restaurant idea but I do think that renting a hall where the staff prepares the food could help large families from causing a pile of dishes for someone to clean.
One of my childhood friend's does a potluck dinner with her family every month or so throughout the year. I've often thought that was sooo cool, especially because it seems like they're basically doing a smaller version of Thanksgiving all year round; a sweet deal for staying in touch with loved ones.
Thank you kindly! Oh yeah certainly that James Cameron thing can throw someone's perception of what it is off real quick; it's one of the main reasons why I modified the title, so that viewers can distinguish between the two. I also plan to emphasize the "short film" nature of it in some of my promotional materials, so that the separation can be made from it. I'm glad you like the title that I came up with. You should see all the title ideas I went through as possibles for this movie. Some are downright silly while others are just plain either cliche, outrageous or not fitting for the dramatic genre.