Monday Movie Meme: Struggling to Reconcile

Today’s prompt for the Blog Everyday in May Challenge couldn’t be any more perfect in terms of where I’m at, at this point – getting real. More specifically, Jenni asks to share something that you’re struggling with right now. That’s easy to do, given the fact that I’ve skipped nearly one week’s worth of daily blogging this month.
What’s a gal to do about it? Make it up!
So, the theme for this week’s Monday Movie Meme is based on my plan to play catch-up over the next several days by possibly doubling up on some of Jenni’s prompts: Reconciliation.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring people who make attempts to reconcile something that once went well before going awry. This could involve platonic relationships, crime investigations, public and/or personal reputations, etc. so long as there is an attempt to mend that thing. Here are my selections for this week’s Reconciliation theme.*
On the Waterfront
Expect to be harassed, lose loved ones to violence, receive threats and get beat up if you choose to help dismantle the corruption plaguing your entire town, while standing up for your freedom of equal opportunities, in addition to better working conditions. Honesty and courage might get you in trouble and cause you to lose some friends but will eventually work out in your favor, earning you much respect.
The Town
Nothing else says “let me make it up to you” like planting a surprise in the garden tended to by the very person your friends are trying to kill.
What’s Love Got to Do with It?
Want to know what the proper etiquette is for damage control after beating up your wife during a pool party? Just offer her some bedside flowers in hopes that she awakes in pure joy – despite having a bloody nose and swollen facial bruises. Yeah, one dozen roses (or were they carnations? I forget) will surely help smooth things over!
What movies can YOU think of that feature some form of reconciliation – or at least an attempt to reconcile?
*The descriptions of my last two selections are obviously sarcastic.
Reader Comments (4)
Thanks Nicole, but I speak sarcasm fluently ;-)
On the Waterfront was an awesome movie. One of the first I watched when I had whooping cough and my sister-in-law bought me netflix. Haven't seen the other two.
War of the Roses comes to mind, as does that one about political spin...Wag the Dog maybe? Brain dead. Been driving too long on route 66...pulling over and drinking some chardonnay!
Tina @ Life is Good
Your list is great Nicole, but American History X comes to mind. He had a lot to make up for.
Okay, time to put the thinking cap on....
-Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind - One of my favorite Jim Carrey vehicles
-Die Hard - Sour relationship healed after battling Professor Snape and his goons
-Forrest Gump - Gump and Jenny finally marry after many touch-and-goes
-Fight Club - The narrator and Marla have the strangest relationship ever, but get back together at the end
-and the good old standby: The Parent Trap
Awesome topic this week!
What I wouldn't give for a glass of something this weekend but alas, I'm trying to detox, lol. I need to step on the gas down Route 66're way ahead of me on that one. War of the Roses sounds interesting; Wag the Dog doesn't ring the bell tho....with Netflix to the rescue, your sister-in-law sure knows how to provide some comfort in the face of an uncomfortable condition ! :)
Maurice Mitchell,
Thanks and I sooo need to lookup American History X. It sounds familiar but I don't know if that's because I may have scrolled pass it on Amazon or Netflix somewhere or if you may have mentioned it before. Either way, I'm behind the times on that front. Must remedy that soon! Thanks for playing along this week!
I'm having a homer moment now each time I hear of Eternal Sunshine because it's a reminder that I've been overlooking it every single time I review my rental queue...the movie seems to move down the queue rather than up, but I expect to get it in the mail one of these days...if I could just stop rearranging the rentals! Great pick with Die Hard...I forgot Snape was even in that movie! The battles in Die Hard makes for one heck of a bonding experience...if you can get through the stuff that McClane and his inner circle goes through, then you can get through anything :)
You'll probably curse me for this, I know, but...I still haven't seen Fight Club. I couldn't even tell you where it's sitting in my queue. I'll probably watch the Jim Carrey classic before this one, for sure. Ahh The Parent Trap is one I wouldn't have expected from you, yet, it's oh so perfect for this week's meme. Great list!