Signed, Sealed and Delivered to the Monday Movie Meme!

If you wrote it, then you should’ve put a stamp on it!
Jenni, host of the Blog Everyday in May Challenge, wants participants to publish a letter to those who read their blogs. Well – I’ve basically been there and done that with my “Letter T” post (circa April 2012), so let’s not rehash something that’s already available at the click of a button, ok?
The theme for this week’s Monday Movie Meme, however, remains set on one of the oldest forms of correspondence: In the Mail.
Share on your blog or in the comments section, movies featuring letters. These films include people sending letters, receiving letters and/or writing letters. They can either be in an envelope (stamped or not…doesn’t matter), folded, flat or still sitting in the typewriter. The letters are mailed, slipped under a door, placed on a piece of furniture, hid in a desk or box, etc. -- meaning email does not count.
Here are my selections for this week’s In the Mail theme.
After assembling the list, I realized that my picks have something else in common – being hidden due to people interfering with letters that belong to other folks or people with secrets. Ah well, here we go!
The Bridges of Madison County
While getting their deceased mother’s affairs in order (no pun intended), two siblings find a series of love letters written to her by a National Geographic photographer.
The Color Purple
Celie finds a ton of letters sent from her sister Nettie in Africa. They were secretly kept by Celie’s abusive husband, who declared that she would never hear from Nettie. Thanks to Shug, Sofia and a newfound sense of confidence, Celie realized that she still has a family who loves her.
The Notebook
Noah wrote Allie 365 letters – every day for a year, but, she didn’t even know because her mother confiscated them. Fortunately, Allie’s mother eventually gave her all of these letters. Unfortunately, they came to light during Allie’s wedding preparations with another guy. Talk about awkward timing!
What movies have YOU seen that feature people sending or receiving letters?
Reader Comments (6)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower. Logan wrote letters to an unknown person, starting them all off with "Dear Friend."
The Lake House comes to mind. I tried following it but maybe my uber-romantic side was on vacation. It seemed to be two people occupying a a house on a lake at different times and somehow exchanging love letters with each other...I think.
Writing letters to strangers sounds like a kind thing to much so that I now am curious about The Perks of Being a Wallflower and might even rent it one of these days instead of skipping past it everytime it pops up among the netflix recommendations. Thanks for playing along this week!
You know it's better to watch comedies when you're on a vacation from the romance stuff! Anywho...Is that the movie with Mandy Moore in it? Or, am I thinking about another flick? Either way...the whole setup of being in the same house at different times sounds like a lot going on, as in, a lot of back and forth...I don't know if I'd be up for something like that unless it flows very well. Otherwise, I'd be likely to tune it out after a few scenes, lol. I am curious to find out how the love letters were exchanged though...given the two separate stays at the lake and all :)
Cool selection for this week's meme!
Movies that instantly pop into mind are:
-A Series Of Unfortunate Events - The children receive their parent's letter just a tad late
-The Lake House - Who knew that Keanu Reeves could write? ;-)
-The Rocky Horror Picture Show- Letter from Eddie which read "I'm out of my head. Oh, hurry or I may be dead!"
And on an unrelated note, I got your letter and photograph, and all I can say is...CONGRATS! Wrapping up shooting is a major accomplishment, and I really can't wait to see the final outcome. Seriously, you have me extremely excited about your project! Your notes and behind-the-scene comments really put into light a different side of movie making than I've ever been privy to. To take nothing but an idea and turn it into a reality shows heart, determination, and more than a bit of grit. You, my friend, and making magic!
The Lake House comes to mind where the two communicate and fall in love thanks to letters sent through time. Good topic this week.
Now that you mention Keanu Reeves, I'm having another Homer moment after thinking Mandy Moore was in "The Lake House"...and am still on the fence about whether I'll take a look at it. "A Series of Unfortunate Events," however, is a nice trip down memory lane for movies that I still need to watch. I'm glad you received the letter and stuff; Here's hoping I don't have a hear attack before getting to see something come of that magic you speak of ;)
Thanks for your outlook on the project! Sometimes I think I'm insane to have embarked on such a journey but alas, we shall find out what happens.
Am I the only one around here who hasn't seen The Lake House? Aw shucks! lol. That movie is quite popular this week. It does has the right elements to fit this week's meme quite nicely...I'm still not sure if I'm willing to give it a spin on Netflix just yet! Thank you for joining in on the "Letters" theme. I can't take all of the credit...Jenni at the Story of My Life blog has a hand in the topic. It's great to know you enjoyed it :)