Sign up for the 2014 Blogging from A-to-Z Challenge!

Official announcment and Linky List!
The brainchild of Arlee Bird, at Tossing it Out, the A to Z Challenge is posting every day in April except Sundays (we get those off for good behavior.) And since there are 26 days, that matches the 26 letters of the alphabet. On April 1, blog about something that begins with the letter “A.” April 2 is “B,” April 3 is “C,” and so on. You can use a theme for the month or go random – just as long as it matches the letter of the alphabet for the day.
We recommend short posts, turn off Word Verification, and visit five blogs (or more) a day beginning with the one after yours on the list.
To streamline legitimate blogs from advertisement blogs, the Co-Hosts will be visiting each blog on this list throughout the Challenge. Blogs on the list showing no activity once the Challenge starts will be removed.
There are categories for those looking for like-minded blogs. Select ONE category code and enter it after your blog’s title/name. The code applies to your blog, not your theme for the Challenge and is purely optional. However, if your blog has adult content, you MUST mark it (AC) or it will be removed from the list. Codes are as follows:
2. BOOKS: (BO)
3. FILM: (FM)
6. CRAFT: (CR)
7. ART: (AR)
8. MUSIC: (MU)
14. GAMING: (GA)
19. HUMOR: (HU)
20. TRAVEL: (TR)
Be sure to grab the badge and display it in your sidebar so we know you are participating and link to the A to Z Challenge Blog.
For more information we recommend you follow the A to Z Challenge Blog and the hosts:
Arlee Bird @ Tossing it Out
Ninja Captain Alex J. Cavanaugh
Author Stephen Tremp
Tina @ Life is Good
Damyanti @ Amlokiblogs
Jeremy @ Being Retro
Nicole Ayers - The Madlab Post
M. J. Joachim's Writing Tips
Heather M. Gardner
AJ @ Naturally Sweet
Pam @ An Unconventional Librarian
We also have a Facebook Page.
Email address is infoatoz2014[at]
Twitter hashtag is #AtoZChallenge.
Sign up below and join us for a month of alphabet fun!
Reader Comments (11)
And we're off to a running start! Woohoo!
Sooo stinkin' excited over here I'm doing a dorky happy dance!!!! It's going to be another great year and I'm so happy to be working with a class act like you again.
Tina @ Life is Good
A to Z Team @ Blogging From A to Z April Challenge 2014
@TinaLifeisGood, #atozchallenge
A to Z is going to be a blast this year!
Looking forward to this again, for what will be my third year participating. Happy blogging people =)
It's filling up fast Nicole! I can't wait for your entries!
i am not sure why i am not following you.. but i am now it's going to be a crazy/fun 2014, let the games begin!
Ditto to that! The A-to-Z community always stands strong :)
Somehow reading about your excitement and happy dance had me thinking of the song "Let's Get It Started" by the Black Eyed Peas, just now. I say bring it on! Also, thanks for your kind words. The challenge wouldn't be the same without the magical combo package of you, Alex and Jeremy, making sure our team continues to be a well-oiled and smooth running engine.
Yes I think it will. The challenge just gets better and better each time!
Hey man it's so great to see you around these parts! I'm super pleased that you'll be doing the challenge for a third year and I look forward to checking out your posts. Go Smurfdok!
Yeah can you believe how fast the signup list is growing already! I just hope I can come up with a theme for this year or else I'll be winging it. So many things in the works over here...
No worries....following is overrated, lol. You already knew how to reach me, given that we've been in communications and interactions almost 24/7 at times since last year, so maybe that's why. I always know you're around; that's all that matters :)
Eek! has the year passed that quickly. It's A-to-Z time again? HUZZAH! I've got the button in my sidebar and will do a info post on Friday.
Did a comment from me go through? I was saying thank you, but now I'm confused by your commenting system.
An A to Z Co-Host
Tossing It Out
It was probably eaten by the bottom feeders of the interwebs. I checked to see if there were any from you sitting in moderation limbo but alas, there were none. Yeah the commenting system on my blog kinda sucks and I've just been tolerating it because the only other alternatives...Disqus and Intense Debate....bring on all sorts of other confusion.
I think I mucked up my registration, can I try again?
This is a new venture for me and I'm looking forward to it, some bits more than others not sure how I'm going to manage X,Z and K