Russel Crowe wants American Gangster director to win 2008 Oscar

Fresh off of the heels of a success with the movie American Gangster, actor Russell Crowe wants Ridley Scott to win an Academy Award for his contributions in film. "Best Director" is the goal when it comes down to it.
Ridley Scott directed American Gangster, which was number one at the box office in USA upon it's release this month. He has also worked with Russell Crowe before in Gladiator. "He is one of the greatest visual artists of our time and deserving of any honour that comes his way.", says Crowe. In this case, that honor is an Oscar in particular.
Both Crowe and his co-star, Denzel Washington envision American Gangster as the film that will bring Ridley Scott his deserving Oscar. By the time the Academy Awards roll around, Ridley Scott will be 70 years old. If he does not get the Oscar this time, who knows when it will be or if it will ever happen? It is not rare for talented and deserving Directors and actors alike to get passed on when it comes to an Oscar win. It took a long time for Martin Martin Scorsese to finally get one, when he could have had an Oscar or two within the last decade or so.
However, Scorsese did get the Oscar that he deserved. Therefore, it may be in the cards for Ridley Scott this tiem around. American Gangster has been received well, so Russell Crowe and Denzel Washington may be on to something with their prediciton of this being the movie that does it for Scott. Best of Luck for Ridley Scott. You have done many awesome movies. This may indeed be your year to shine brighter than ever before.
Source: BBC
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