The Ultimate 2007 Movie Halloween Costume List

Halloween is coming up this year and many of you may be having difficulty coming up with ideas for Halloween costumes. Sure, you can wear the same thing that you had on last year, but who really wants to do that? I have taken some time to complie a list of fun movie related Halloween costumes. Some can be worn by teenagers and adults while other Halloween movie costume ideas may be more approrpiate for the older crowd. No matter how old you are, a great movie Halloween costume may be right for you this year. Here they are:
Eminem 8 Mile Costume
This is one of the easiest and cheapest movie Halloween costume ideas.
Angelina Jolie Costume part one and two
Both of these articles should be used in conjunction with each other. You can learn how to strut around town as one of the major Hollywood actresses of the moment. The first article provides the basic items needed while the second one helpf you to stand out as Angelina Jolie.
Legally Blonde Costume
If you want to still look attractive, this is a great movie Halloween Costume idea. Not many women can pull off the Reese Witherspoon look, but this is worth a try.
Lara Croft Tomb Raider Costume
Talk about hip! This movie Halloween costume represents one of the most popular characters in the gaming industry. Angeline Jolie brought her to life in a few big budget box office darlings and now Lara Croft has fans all around the world. This movie Halloween costume combines sex appeal with lots of strength. It screams "Girl Power"!
Cheap Movie Halloween Costumes for Adults
This page contains multiple movie Halloween costume ideas. It will be helpful to men who want to learn how to create a Men In Black costume. However, many women may find the tips for The Ring and "Roxie" from the Chicago movie very helpful in creating a movie Halloween costume.
These ideas should be enough to get you started on your Halloween movie costume plans. While I have not found much information on it, the Charlie's Angel's movie is another great idea that could be fun if planned well. In fact, this would be a good idea for women who are going to a Halloween party with a few girlfriends. With this particular movie Halloween costume idea, three is not a's just right!
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